Manny's tie-breaking blast? Yes, of course, it was glorious. But let us not forget the double by Lugo that got things going in the eighth. He used his speed to do it, taking advantage of the weak arm in left. Then a nice bunt by Coco to move Lugo to third. Then a deep fly to left by Pedroia to score Lugo. Tie game. The announcers are giving all the love to Manny for the game-winning two-run shot. The blogsmiths will be sure to do the same. It's only natural. But here we applaud Mr. Lugo. Lopez one day and Lugo the next. If we rail against Papi, perhaps... no, we shan't. We can't. He doesn't need it anyway. With his two hits tonight the big man is batting over .100!
Borowski. Why? Are the Indians and Tigers engaged in some kind of ruinous Gooden-Stevenson-esque wager wherein the first to empl0y a real closer must relinquish a hefty sum of dollars? It's not worth it, friends. Might I suggest a synthesis of the two bets to spice things up? Each side takes an aged, bewhiskered closer: Hall of Famer Bruce Sutter to the Indians and the tragically under-medicated Jeff Reardon to the Tigers. At the conclusion of the season the team whose closer owns the best Beard Mass Index* shall be declared the winner.
*(Beard mass/Body mass)÷(Blown saves + Losses)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Encore for Lugo
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9:45 PM
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